Hide Lock Take this Holiday Season and Beyond

Mon 12/11/23
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Addison Hide, Lock, Take sign

As the holiday season approaches, the Addison Police Department is urging the community to take extra precautions to safeguard their vehicles from potential burglaries. Here are some vital tips to ensure your car remains secure during this festive season.


1. Hide Your Valuables:

One of the easiest ways to deter thieves is to keep your valuables out of sight. When parking your car, make sure to store any valuable items such as bags, electronics, or gifts, in your trunk or use a cargo cover. Thieves are less likely to target vehicles that don't display tempting items.


2. Lock Your Car:

It may sound like common sense, but it's worth repeating: always lock your car when leaving it unattended. Whether you're shopping, visiting friends, or attending holiday gatherings, taking a moment to secure your vehicle can make all the difference.


3. Take Your Keys:

Leaving your keys in the ignition or easily accessible within the car is an open invitation to potential thieves. Always keep your keys with you, even if you're just warming up your vehicle during cold weather. Avoiding this simple mistake can prevent car theft.


4. Choose Well-Lit Parking Spots:

Opt for well-lit and populated parking areas whenever possible. Thieves are less likely to target vehicles in places with high visibility and foot traffic. Parking in a well-lit area adds an extra layer of security.


5. Report Suspicious Activity:

If you notice any individuals behaving suspiciously around your vehicle or in the vicinity, don't hesitate to contact the Addison Police Department by calling 911 or *247 from your cell phone. Prompt reporting can help prevent thefts and ensure a safer community.


Being vigilant and following these safety measures can go a long way in ensuring a secure holiday season. If you would like to display one of these Addison-branded Hide Lock Take signs in your parking lot or community as a reminder to visitors to stay safe and protect their cars, please contact the Addison Police Department atPoliceChief@addisontx.gov.