Addison Wants Community Input on Sam's Club Special Area Study

Tue 5/11/21
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Sams Club Study Map
At its April 27 meeting, the City Council approved a contract with Dallas-based urban planning and facilitation firm Strategic Community Solutions to complete the Sam's Club Special Area Study that was initiated in 2014. The goal of this special area study is to develop a vision and policy recommendations for future redevelopment and reuse of this area based on in depth analysis and community input.
The project will be guided by a City Council-appointed advisory committee of Addison residents and business owners. In addition to what the Advisory Committee is doing, input from the community is an important part of the process.
To begin the visioning process, Addison is asking residents who live and work around the study area to fill out a survey. The boundaries of the study are Belt Line Road to the north, Hornet Road to the south, Midway Road to the east, and the property lines between the Midway Road commercial properties and the residential neighborhoods to the west. The new Addison Grove development (on the former Sam’s Club site) is included in the study area for reference, but the study will not change the direction for the development of this property – it will continue to follow its current zoning.
The Town will also be hosting several community open house events to inform the visioning process and to refine proposed policy recommendations.
If you would like to receive emails on the progress of the study, please register here. If you have any questions about the project, please contact Director of Development Services Ken Schmidt at