Council Approved Contract for Sam’s Club Special Area Study and Appoints Advisory Committee

Mon 5/3/21
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At its March 23 meeting, the Council discussed the status of the Sam’s Club Special Area Study and directed staff to expand the study area and engage consulting services tasked with completing the study. At its April 27 meeting, the City Council approved a $132,000 contract with Dallas-based urban planning and facilitation firm Strategic Community Solutions, LLC who served as the project manager for the initial planning process in 2015.
The scope of services and project schedule reflects current needs for the study area and a robust public engagement process that will be further supplemented by targeted engagement efforts by Town staff. The proposed scope of services includes the following tasks:
1.  Stakeholder and Public Engagement.
2.  Strategic Assessment, Site, and Market Analysis Update.
3.  Development Concept Refinement and Public Review Process.
4.  Final Plan Development and Public Review Process.
Also at its April 27 meeting, the Council appointed 14 residents to serve on an Advisory Committee that will inform and advise the planning process and to support outreach efforts to Addison residents, the business community, and other key stakeholder groups:
  • Al Cioffi (Willesen)
  • Nancy Craig (Hughes)
  • Eileen Resnik (Chow)
  • Lorrie Semler (Chow)
  • Susan Halpern (Quintanilla)
  • Peter Jessiman (Walden)
  • Judy Lindloff (Hughes)
  • Steve Loras (Ward)
  • Susan Milholland (Quintanilla)
  • Austen Spoonts (Willesen)
  • Marvin Perez (Braun)
  • Ron Whitehead (Ward)
  • Nancy Williams (Walden)
  • Kathie Wood (Braun)
The committee will also include seven study area property owners. Council appointed four property owners who already expressed an interest in participating on the Advisory Committee and asked staff to reach out to the new owners of the Crowne Plaza and other property owners in the southern part of the study area to fill the remaining three spots.
The project advisory committee will meet three times over the course of the six-month project schedule and will also participate in the two community input meetings that are programmed for the project and impacted business owners