Sherlock Drainage Project Update

Tue 7/23/19
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Unfortunately, the contractor the Town hired for the Sherlock Drainage Project has not been meeting their contractual obligations and, as a result, have been removed from the project. In order to get back on track, the outstanding work will be completed by a combination of both outside contractors overseen by the Town and in-house Town staff. On Monday, July 22, the Town began work on restoring the impacted residential areas including irrigation, fencing, landscaping, and more.
The concrete street panels and stormwater inlet tops that were not completed to the Town’s requirements will be removed and replaced beginning the week of August 5.  Once the residential areas, including the street improvements, have been addressed, we will move forward with Phase 2 of the cleanup which will involve restoring the trail and parking lot.
Weather permitting, our goal is to complete the project by the middle of August. We share your frustration and thank you for your patience as we work to make Addison a better place to live, work, and play.