Council Discusses Census Count Committee and Approves Funding to Support Dallas County 2020 Census Participation Initiative

Tue 9/24/19
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Senior Planner Olga Chernomorets gave Council a presentation at its September 24 work session on the 2020 Census. The United States Census Bureau conducts a nationwide population count every ten years as required by the U.S. Constitution and will attempt to contact every household in the country in the spring of 2020. Accurate census counts are important to Addison in the following ways:

  • Population counts determine the distribution of federal representatives in Congress.
  • The census count guides federal funding dispersal of $675 billion to states and cities annually.
  • Local governments use the census for public safety and emergency preparedness.
  • Land developers use census data to build homes and revitalize communities.
  • Business and industries use data to decide where to build or relocate, creating employment opportunities.
  • Residents use the census to support community initiatives involving legislation, quality of life, and consumer advocacy.

An important component of insuring accurate census counts is through education and outreach motivating the population to participate. In an effort to promote participation, the U.S. Census Bureau encourages the creation of local Complete Count Committees. A Complete Count Committee would be comprised of a broad spectrum of members with the goal of maximizing participation in the Census. Complete Count Committees encourage resident participation in the Census through the utilization of local knowledge, influence, and resources to educate and promote the Census through local-based outreach efforts. If you are interested in being considered for the Addison Complete Count Committee, you can apply here through October 4.

Additionally, during its regular September 24 meeting, Council approved an interlocal agreement for $5,000 with Dallas County for the Regional Census Fund. Dallas County has asked local municipalities to partner with them to seek a qualified vendor to coordinate the 2020 Census Participation Initiative in an effort to increase census response rates across the county. The selected vendor will coordinate efforts and activities with the Addison Complete Count Committee.

You can watch the Council's 2020 Census discussion here and read the presentation here.