Council Approves Temporary Buildings at Greenhill School

Tue 6/1/21
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The City Council approved a special use permit for seven portable temporary classrooms at Greenhill School at its May 25 meeting. The most recent anticipated campus upgrade at Greenhill School is the reconstruction of an existing science building. In order to complete this project, the school will need to temporarily place seven portable buildings, six to serve as temporary classrooms and one to house the bathrooms for these classrooms. This triggers the requirement for a new Special Use Permit to ensure that the quantity, location, appearance, and duration of the use of the proposed temporary classrooms are compatible with surrounding site conditions.

The new science building is anticipated to be complete in August 2023. The permit requires the removal of the temporary buildings no later than January 1, 2024, or within 30 days of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. If these deadlines are not met, Council can reconsider the subject.