Pavement Removal/Replacement in Midway/Belt Line Intersection to Begin August 30

Sun 8/29/21
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The next phase of work scheduled for the Midway Road Revitalization Project is the removal and replacement of the pavement in the Belt Line / Midway intersection. Various lane closures will occur in and adjacent to the intersection starting Monday, August 30 as the pavement is removed and replaced in phases.
An updated schedule for this intersection work reflected a July start date with a mid-September completion date. Unfortunately, this phase has been delayed due to construction material shortages and complications with underground utility lines. While we will not meet the mid-September completion date, the overall project remains on schedule. We will provide an updated timeline for the intersection work in the near future.
Variable Message Boards have been placed in the area alerting drivers to the upcoming work and drivers can expect to see various lane closures and traffic shifts in the travel lanes as the phases of work rotate around the intersection. Please pay close attention to the signage in the area, as the lane functions (Left Turn Only, Right Turn Only, etc.) will change during the various phases of the work.
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