Winnwood Bridge Repairs to Begin Late June

Mon 6/20/22
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Creek bed

Later this month, Addison Public Works will begin construction to repair/rehabilitate the existing Winnwood Road Bridge drainage outfall to prevent future damage to the bridge due to potential erosion issues.

 The scope of work for the project includes removing and relocating existing rocks used to stabilize the culvert and installing riprap material and gabion mats lining along the streambank to extend the useful service life of the bridge. Additional work will include the sidewalk, irrigation, landscaping elements, and other related improvements to protect the bridge culvert. 

 During the six-month project, residents may encounter trucks parked along the street and temporary closures of some of the adjacent walking trails. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact Town of Addison’s Capital/Development Projects Manager Wilson Kakembo at or by calling (972) 450-2870.