CWD Gives 2021 Annual Report

Mon 1/16/23
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CWD representative presenting STAR award to Shawn Cheairs

Since 2015, Community Waste Disposal (CWD) has partnered with Addison to provide garbage and recycling services to approximately 1,800 single-family residents. At the January 10 City Council Meeting, CWD’s Municipal Coordinator Robert Medigovich gave an annual review for 2021 on the company’s services, recycling efforts, and awards.

CWD collects trash twice a week on Monday and Thursday and recycling once a week on Monday. During 2021, CWD only received 12 inquiries from Addison residents and one driver incident report. Residents recycled a total of 395 tons, which equates to the following saved resources:

  • 6,715 Trees
  • 150,100 Gallons of Oil
  •  2,765,000 Gallons of Water
  • 1,304 Yards of Landfill Space 
  • 1,619,500 Kilowatt Hours of Electricity

CWD partners with Addison’s Special Events Department to offer recycling at Taste Addison, Kaboom Town!, and Oktoberfest. The success of these efforts earned a 2022 Extraordinary Recycling at Special Events award from the State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR). STAR is a nonprofit whose mission is to advance recycling through partnerships, education, and advocacy for the benefit of Texas.

You can watch Council's CWD discussion here and read the presentation here.