Oaks North Drainage Project to Begin Middle of February

Tue 1/28/20
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At its January 28 meeting, Council awarded Joe Funk Construction a not-to-exceed contract in the amount of $494,812.70 for storm water drainage improvements in the White Rock Creek Basin along Oaks North Drive.

The purpose of the proposed construction is to address possible flooding issues in the area. The Town's 2017 Storm Water Master Drainage Study showed that in the event of a 100-year flood, a flood that has a 1% probability of happening, the depth of the flood could be as high as 1.2 feet. At this depth, several residential structures could be flooded. The 2017 Storm Water Master Drainage Study ranked this project as the second priority in the Town.  

In order to alleviate possible flooding, the Town will install 1,000 linear feet of underground storm drain pipe that will carry storm water on Oaks North Drive downstream to the White Rock Creek Tributary. The project will include the installation of five standard curb inlets, storm water manholes, and related improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications.

Construction is anticipated to begin in mid-February and will take roughly 90 days to complete. During much of the construction, Oaks North Drive will be narrowed to one lane. The contractor is required to maintain access for residents and public service vehicles at all times, as well as residents' access to driveways and mailboxes.

You can watch the Council's Oaks North Drainage Project discussion here.