Rawhide Creek Basin Drainage Project Update

Mon 1/30/23
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In November 2022, Addison Public Works and Engineering began the construction work of Rawhide Creek Basin Drainage and associated American Disability Act (ADA) Improvements. The project involves installing the new drainage system adjacent to Rawhide Creek Basin to alleviate the neighborhood's potential flooding and ponding issues. 

This month, the contractor (Texas Standard) is working on excavation work for the detention system, installing a junction box along the Trail Park corridor, and lowering the main water lines at various street locations to avoid conflicts with the proposed new storm drainage system. Impacted water customers will be notified in advance of brief scheduled shutdowns of the water main that are necessary to complete the water line lowering work.

The contractor is ready to pour concrete for the detention system foundation base and anticipates the delivery of the detention storm trap drainage system to start the installation of the storm drainage structure by the first week of February. If weather permits, the final project completion and closeout are expected by the end of September.

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact the Town of Addison’s Capital/Development Projects Manager, Wilson Kakembo, at wkakembo@addisontx.gov or by calling (972) 450-2870. You can find more information on the project and register for email and text updates at www.addisontexas.net/rawhide