Surveyor Chloramine Booster Station Almost Complete

Tue 9/20/22
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In 2017, the Town completed a comprehensive Water Distribution System Assessment that included a Capital Improvements Program (CIP) that made recommendations for the replacement of and improvements to water lines, as well as other water quality improvements. One of the water quality improvement recommendations was the addition of chlorination injection equipment to the Town's water distribution system.

The Town purchases potable water from Dallas Water Utilities. Dallas Water Utilities provides disinfected water with a chlorine residual at two entry points in town, Celestial Ground Storage Tank and Surveyor Ground Storage Tank. Because the Town does not have the ability to disinfect the water once it enters the distribution system, there is no way to inject more chlorine should the residuals fall below an action level.

In order to address this issue and ensure that Addison's water drinking system continues to meet and exceed mandatory state disinfectant levels requirements, the City Council authorized $1.3 million for the construction of a Chloramine Booster Station at the Survey pump station. Work got underway in January of this year.  On September 7, Town staff conducted a preliminary walk-through of the project and identified a few punch list items that still need to be corrected by the contractor. However. the project was deemed substantially completed and the facility is officially ready to be turned over to the Town. This project is expected to be completed by the end of September.