Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. Awarded Professional Engineering Services Contract for the Design of the Quorum Drive Reconstruction Project

Mon 6/19/23
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Quorum Design

As part of Proposition B in the 2019 bond election, voters approved a total of $26.3 million for the Quorum Drive Reconstruction Project. The project budget included $23.4 million for civil work and $2.9 million for placemaking. The goal of including placemaking in the project is to create outdoor park space complete with public art for the people who work in and visit the South Quorum area. The visioning process for this component of the project will include gathering input from stakeholders in the business community.

At its June 13 meeting, the City Council approved a $4.4 million contract with Teague Nall & Perkins (TNP) for professional engineering services. The complete scope of services includes:

  • Placemaking and urban design visioning
  • Public involvement meetings
  • Reports and schematic plans
  • Subsurface utility engineering and coordination
  • Design of water, illumination, wastewater, drainage, traffic signals, and roadway
  • Design of public spaces, landscape, irrigation, and aesthetics
  • Procurement support services
  • Right-of-way and easement preparations and acquisition
  • Geotechnical services
  • Preparation of construction packages
  • Project media, recognition, and awards

In addition to the $26.3 million included as part of the 2019 bond election, an additional $489,000 in the Self-Funded Streets Fund is also available, bringing the total project budget to $26,791,409. The design phase is expected to take approximately 18 months to complete.

You can watch the Council's Quorum Drive discussion here and read the presentation here.